Patient Reviews and Success Stories
Family Chiropractic of Kennebunk
Family Chiropractic of Kennebunk
Crystal Campbell Family Chiropractic of Kennebunk
“What started off as prenatal care is now preventative care for the entire family. It has brought so much peace of mind getting our little one adjusted as his body continues to grow rapidly during the first years of development. Dr. Pete and Dr. Katie are p...” View Allhenomenal to work with.”
Family Chiropractic of Kennebunk
Joe Moan
onI had a wonderful experience with Dr. Gay. I feel better walking out than I feel walking in.
Family Chiropractic of Kennebunk
Mike Barra
onDr Pete great. He basically diagnosed my condition when i walked through the door. He took an x-ray and pointed out what was causing my issue. He presented a plan of action that has been successful
My 3 month old baby’s reflux was so bad the MD wanted to put her on Prilosec. After her 1st adjustment her condition improved!! Now our entire family gets adjusted. Thank you!!!
McKenzie- 3 months old
McKenzie- 3 months old
A football concussion made me dizzy & not right. My grades went down, I was tired & crabby. My doctor said I was fine. 1 week after getting adjusted I got my LIFE BACK!!!
Jake -14 years old
Jake -14 years old
I came in for my shoulder & in the first month I realized I didn’t need ibuprofen ever 4 hours for menstrual cramps!!
Heather – 33 years old
Heather – 33 years old
3 weeks of getting adjusted & she didn’t need tubes in her ears!!!
Sophia – 1 year old
Sophia – 1 year old
I used to get headaches twice a day- in the first month of my care I only got 2 ever!!!
Michelle 22 years old
Michelle 22 years old
I always had sinus & allergy problems- not anymore!! I can breath & feel so much better.
Stephen – 35 years old
Stephen – 35 years old
My kids “caught” everything before chiropractic. Now they’re NEVER sick!!!
Lily & Abby- ages 3 & 6
Lily & Abby- ages 3 & 6
I was on 7 different thyroid medications for my Grave’s disease & was very skeptical about chiropractic. I’m glad I tried it because now I take nothing!!
Wendy – 30 years old
Wendy – 30 years old